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tv   Fox 5 News Ten  FOX  February 1, 2016 10:00pm-10:56pm EST

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[agent] hi. melanie. maggie. living room. [dad]what about this? this looks good. [brendan] no. [mother] isn't it great? [announcer]redfin pays its agents based on your happiness... that's real estate, redefined. . right now at 10:00, a 13-year-old kidnapped and killed. tonight new details about the horrific crime and the two college students facing charges. >> and voting in the 2016 presidential race is under way. the iowa caucuses are in full swing. we're breaking down the tight races. >> and a world health emergency
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is declared as the zika virus spreads. just how serious is the outcome. fox 5 local news at 10:00 starts right now. >> and we begin tonight with breaking news. the first face-off of the 2016 presidential race. thank you for joining us. i'm tony perkins. >> and i'm shawn yancy. both returns and democrats right now are in tight battles in iowa. >> you know the hype is over and the counting is under way. so far no final numbers but as you see it is very, very close and breaking just now martin o'malley pulling out of the presidential race. now let's go to the raw vote. we'll start with the democrats. 70% of precincts reporting. hillary clinton with 51% and bernie sanders 49%. on the republican side we have 61% of the precincts reporting.
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ted cruz with 28%, donald trump with 25%, and marco rubio with 22%. all day of the most candidates hit the road in a series of last minute pitches to the voters. a big turnout could be a good sign for donald trump and bernie sanders because they managed to build such moesmt momentum with big crowds. hillary clinton and bernie sanders as you know running neck and neck in the polls on the gop side. the latest polls going into this show trump slightly out in front but in a very close fight with texas senator ted you cruz as you're sighing behind them marco rubio in third place. we are seeing multiple reports voter tirnout is big and it is a dog fight on both sides tonight. a big headline, cruz leading
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trump again, o'malley out. results are coming in on the way tonight 10:30 more results and we're going into depth how the caucuses work as someone who was in the trenches in iowa back in 2008. that's on the way tonight. >> we will have much more coming up. now to a stanning crime in virginia. a 13-year-old girl is dead tonight after police say she was kidnapped from her home in blacksburg. tonight two virginia tech students in our area are facing charges in her death. >> you're looking at david eisenhower, a freshman and primary suspect in nicole lovell's disappearance and murder. he's an engineering major. he was initially charged with abduction but hours later his charge was upgraded to first
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degree murder after the body was found. for many who know him his arrest has come as a surprise. he was a high school track and field standout and was named indoor track at least of the year in 2015 and after graduating he continued his track career at virginia tech. >> very pleasant young man but very goal driven. noek used on academics but he was also focused on running. >> he was quiet. he kept to himself. he had a good group of friends but other than that he kept to himself. >> reporter: now a day after eisenhower's arrest yesterday sunday natalie keepers was also arrested. she is also a virginia tech student, she's a sophomore and like eisenhower is an engineering major. she was arrested off campus and is facing charges for transporting or concealing a dead body as well as an accessory after the fact. neighbors back home were shocked to learn of her alleged
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involvement. >> i was shocked. it's not something you expect in your average run of the mill neighborhood. i don't have a whole lot of interaction, but it is sort of surprising to say the least. >> reporter: and here is nicole lovell. she was 13 years old. her mold told reporters she was a troubled middle schooler who was undergoing health issues. according to reports lovell maintained some sort of social media relationship with david eisenhower. we cannot confirm her identity on facebook but we have tracked what appears to be her facebook account and just three days mr. lovell who went missing, several comments on teens dating and flirting were posted. to put this all into perspective how they knew each other but they both grew up in howard
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county. both of them graduating. eisenhower went to wilde lake high school and keepers went to hammond lake. both of them growing up in a similar area. he grew up in columbia, she grew up only ten miles from each other there. now if they didn't know each other at home, they most likely met here down south at virginia where they were both engineering majors. now authorities have said that eisenhower knew the victim before he allegedly killed her. 13-year-old nicole lovell's home is only 3 miles from virginia tech campus where eisenhower and keepers go to college. and just south from there is the virginia-north carolina border here is only 08 miles south. that's exactly where 13-year-old nicole lovell's body was found on route 89. investigators have remained
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extremely tight-lipped. police don't believe a gun was used in the crime. for now both keepers and eisenhower remain in jail on no bond and today was when lovell's autopsy was scheduled and that will likely provide more insight into her death. shawn? >> marina marraco with the latest tonight. fox 5 is also in the district with a police-involved shooting. it happened at 53rd and clay terrace. the man took off running and dropped a gun. the suspect ignored a command to leave the gun on the ground and the officer shot the suspect who later died at a hospital. an investigation later revealed the weapon was actually a bb gun. since last march, there have been four police-involved shootings in the same neighborhood. two of them were fatal. >> this is an area that has got police presence 24 hours a day, seven days a week because of homicides as well. there has been a lot of violence up in that community. we know that pcp is extremely
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prevalent in that community. >> just last week the dc auditor announced the dc department was abiding by rules and protocols put in place after the justice department began investigating dc police. >> also in the district police are searching for the suspect in a deadly stabbing at a nightclub in northwest. two men were stabbed just before midnight inside bar code on 17th street. one of them died. he is identified as robinson powell of riverdale, maryland. the other victim is in stable condition. a dc fire lieutenant pleaded not guilty today in federal court to possessing and receiving child pornography. lieutenant earl walker was indicted after being arrested last week at his home in pennsylvania. a judge ordered walker to stay away from children under the age of 18. walker has also been placed on home detention and told not go on the internet. he's expected back in court in march. let's take it outside right
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now. many of you got hit with showers as they moved across the area tonight. now those temperatures are falling. let's check in with sue now to find out if we should be concerned about the morning commute, refreezing, anything like that. >> that's been our psych many as we've been -- cycle as we've been melting down the snow. if you live far to the north and west you could be freezing. because temperatures are slow to fall now but they should start to fall closer to sunrise. we did get a boost today getting up to 61 degrees at reagan, dulles and bwi in the mid 50s and that rain came through and continued the melting process. and it's been perfect because it's been a slow melt-down but it continues to disappear. and while i know a lot of you have some big snow mounds around the last couple of days we've seen a good reduction which is a good thing. because the front that came through today just brought some light rain but we do have bigger
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rain in the forecast beginning this time tomorrow night into wednesday and maybe even a rumble of thunder. tomorrow night will be chilly, it will drop into the 30s. we've had issues not so much with the temperatures. most places are well above freezing but there's been fog from the melting snow over the moist air from the snow pack and i see visibility in gaithersburg to .5 mile or so. i think that fog is long gone by the morning. watch your step frederick to hagerstown, maybe even dulles and mannasas could drop close to 30 degrees and there could be some patchy areas of black ice overnight but i don't think it's a problem for the districts or points south and east. it will be a lot cooler than it was today and we'll track that next rainy system that's coming on in that could challenge record high temperatures. more on that in a few minutes. >> coming up next tonight, a crack in a decades-old dc cold case. >> police say they've tracked down a man wanted for the murder
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of this maryland woman back in 196. >> the rapidly spreading zika virus now classified as a worldwide health emergency. how serious is this outbreak. what you need to know coming up as fox 5 news at 10:00 continues.
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fox 5 local news is in frederick county tonight where a decades old cold case is closed. a man accused of murdering a teen in 1996. >> 15-year-old stacy hoffmaster vanished and a couple of months later her body was discovered. police say she was killed. since then there's been few answers about who was responsible until now. >> we spoke with the family this morning. we sat down with them. we wanted to answer any questions they may have that they were able to answer. we wanted to clear up any
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misconception that's were out there. so we did meet with them. obviously they're very excited. but this is an emotional event. >> reporter: she was last seen near her family's home in frederick. her body was found nearby in this wooded area. for years her family was left with many questions and few answers. lieutenant clark pennington says 52-year-old lloyd harris lived in a wooded area near where hoffmaster's body was found. police are tight-lipped about the information but they did say he knew his victim. >> he actually left the frederick area in around 2002, 2003. but mr. harris lived here at the time of stacy hoffmaster's missing. he was in the area of those woods, he lived in the woods at that period of time. so obviously this case, he had a knowledge of stacy. we believe stacy had a knowledge of him. >> reporter: that's the first
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time we are hearing that information. what the connection was police would not say at this point because harris is awaiting extradition. new advances in forensic technology has certainly played a part. lloyd harris was charged with murder and rape. he was living in a hotel in kansas city when he was arrested. >> a former charles county circuit court judge pleaded guilty in court today for ordering a deputy to shock a defendant. he was charged with a misdemeanor several rights violation. he ordered the deputy to press the button of a stun cuff attached to the defendant shocking him with a 50,000 volt electrical charge. witnesses say he gave the order when king continued speaking after the judge told him to stop. >> he overstepped his boundaries, you know? this is a court of law where the law should be upheld. you know what i'm saying?
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to the same fact is you have somebody being disruptive whereas i was citing case law trying trying to protect myself. >> he has had a run-in with the law before. in 2009 he pled guilty to a misdemeanor charge for deflating the tire of a car parked in what he considered his spot at the courthouse. >> developing tonight, the world health organization declared an international health emergency over the rapid spread of the zika virus. health experts are studiying a link between the virus and a health defect in babies. >> reporter: the emergency meeting was called after a possible connection was found between the zika virus and babies born in brazil with brain defects. there's still a lot they don't know but the number of cases is expected to grow exponentially in the next year.
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zika, the mosquito-borne virus has the world health organization on high alert. >> the experts agree that a causal relation and microcephaly is strongly suspected though not yet scientifically proven. >> health experts are considering how to deal with the virus which has been linked to thousands of cases of microcephaly in brazil. the world health organization estimates there could be up to 4 mill cases in the americas next year. >> we don't think we're going to see a massive outbreak of zika in the united states. >> reporter: preg nent women and those trying to become pregnant are urged not to travel to 28 countries, mostly in latin-america and the caribbean. they say the virus acts similar to other viruses and doesn't stay in the system forever. >> if the virus goes away after
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a week or a week and a half at the most or two, you can be pretty sure with some exceptions that two months down the pike that you don't have any problem if you're a woman. >> reporter: the doctor says for the average person who catches the virus from a mosquito, you may experience a fever. your body will recover and create an immunity towards. it. some may not even develop symptoms at all. curbing the mosquito population will be the most important things where the virus is present. >> thank you for the update tonight. now to the flint water crisis. the seven state workers with the department of environmental quality may have to find their own legal council to handle the lawsuits against them. asked the judge to decide if his office has to defend those employees. the lawsuit was filed after elevated led levels were found in the blood of children in flint, michigan after the city changed its water source.
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>> coming up next, a security warning for anyone who uses uber to get around. plus, new details about last year's deadly amtrak derailment. one very important question remains unanswered.
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new details about that deadly amtrak derailment in philadelphia. the ntsb released information today. the engineer told them he remembers pushing the throttle forward and braking when he felt the train going too fast into a sharp curve. the report did not come to any conclusions as to a cause. >> there's a surprise in the fight to end the monopoly over liquor sales. the head of the department of liquor control is out. county executive has changed
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course and says he's open to talk about ending the practice but only if they can find a way to replace the $33 million that liquor control generates. >> for years we've struggled with delivery. we've spent a lot more money to buy booze from montgomery county than we do. we have restaurants in virginia and dc. we spend about 20%, 25% more and we don't get good service. >> we have a chance with the county executive on board, being a constructive player. we can make this happen for our people. >> no reason was given for depar tour. the county says it plans a nationwide search for permanent replacement. could pot become legalized in the district? that's what marijuana activists are pushing for. lawmakers are deciding whether to alaw public consumption of
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marijuana. >> we have a warning tonight for anyone who relies on uber to get around. security experts say the company has become an increasingly popular tarkt for thieves. users send an uber use are an e-mail. when the victim clicks on the link it gives them access to the name and password. once the criminals have your information they sell it on the dark net. >> while you may check your credit card statements every month, a lot of us maybe don't follow our uber accounts quite as closely. >> security experts say uber information is actually more valuable than credit card information on the dark net because it is easier to use uber information than it is to use someone else's credit card information. >> we're staying on top of breaking news now. coming out of the iowa caucuses. fox news is now declaring ted cruz the republican winner in the iowa caucuses finishing
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ahead of donald trump. once again, ted cruz being declared the winner by fox news in the iowa caucuses. we'll have more coming up in just a little bit. >> also coming up, how a snow plow may have done some major damage to a maryland home. and a fire bomb caught on camera in northern virginia. we'll have the details. we'll have more of this when we come back.
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and back to our coverage of the iowa caucuses. breaking news tonight again martin o'malley is out. he is suspending his presidential run and ted cruz declared the winner on the gop side by fox news. we're going to introduce our guests in just a moment but first let's look at some of the results coming in on the gop side. cruz 28%, donald trump 24%,
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marco rubio 23%. now let's switch to the democrats. again 82% reporting. it is very close here. hillary clinton with 50%, bernie sanders 49%. 2,000 sites across the hawkeye state, 99 counts participating. a communications professor who knows her way around the iowa caucuses. back in 2008 she was the communications director for the democratic party in iowa. so again we can tell you fox is calling the race on the return side. ted cruz declared the winner. so it's always about turnout for candidates, but for trump and sanders who have seen massive momentum at their campaign events, this was really the moment of truth. could they harness all that support and translate it into votes. >> i think we're seeing the grass roots in action with rubio so close behind at 23%. trump flew in and flew out and
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did his thing. cruz and rubio spent their time on the ground. >> that's what iowans want. a lot of time on the ground. >> there's know doubt it gives any candidate a huge push here. iowa doesn't have a huge great record in picking the party. >> we always say there are three tickets out of iowa. we haven't heard much about the other candidates. there are a lot of them. but three tickets probably to new hampshire. >> i'm told we may hear from martin o'malley any moment. we'll try to bring that to you if it happens. let's talk about the republican party caucuses. they are handled differently than the democrats. since you were there on the ground in the trenches as we said, let's talk about how different they are. start with the republican side. >> you're hearing from the republicans sooner. it's much more typical race. they go, caucus goers go in, put a name on a ballot, put it in a
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box, it gets counted. >> that's why at last chick it's 99% on the gop side compared to 82 for the democrats. >> much more straightforward voting. >> but it's old fashioned you're writing it down on a piece of paper, it's folded up, and it's counted real time in front of everybody. >> right, exactly. but it is private. >> for democrats the process is considered a little more complicated. talk about that and the fact that candidates or their reps can actually go to these caucuses and make a final pitch. >> candidates will usually have a precinct captain. they're moving from corners of the room, sort of doing that horse trading. you see o'malley drop out, so his caucus goers are going somewhere else. that's why you're not seeing the reporting as quickly. >> they actually stand with the people who support their candidate, right? so if you were say walking into a caucus tonight supporting o'malley, you're either going
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home or you're going somewhere else to another group. >> that's exactly what happens. that's where the sort of commentary and the comments and the horse trading and you come here i'll mow your lawn i'll go there, maybe you'll bring me some flowers. >> last question. any big surprises tonight for you? of course we're all saying ted cruz won? trump had been doing so well on the polls. again this was the moment of truth, right? >> i'm not completely surprised. he spent the time on the ground. the iowans like to shake people's hands. they're proving it tonight. >> thank you for joining us. we'll see you again tonight at 11:00. >> absolutely. >> thanks guys. all right. well a night of pride and celebration for dc public school teachers and administrators they gather tonight at the kennedy center. >> that's where the annual standing ovation for dc public schools was held. among the highlights the teacher of the year awards was presented to james cunningham who worked at the schools without walls.
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we have a lot to celebrate and i'm deeply proud of the achievements that we have made. >> among those speaking was actress samira wiley. we talk to the former red skin who has rernd to his former hometown in michigan. >> the homeowners who say a snow plow did more harm than good to their home this weekend. wait until you see all the damage. look at that. the details when we return. saving money becoming a top priority. consumer spending flad in december even with all that
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holiday shopping. folks deciding to hold on to that cash instead. that boosted the savings rate to the highest level 234 three years. that consumer caution may be having a big impact on three years. weak demand for products a big reason for the slow-down. there was no slow-down in construction spending last year. the final numbers showing a jump of more than 10% to an oith-year high. here's a job perk that could pay off for college grads, literally. new surveys show nine in ten job seekers think that student loan reimbursement should be part of their benefits package. and get this, one in ten would choose it over paid vacation.
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honor that request of hers. and in essence, that's what these iowa caucuses are all about. it's about each person's voice being heard, each person's story being heard. and i katy and the kids and i decided that it would be an extreme poverty indeed if the democratic party only had two candidates to choose from. >> former maryland governor martin o'malley ending his presidential run tonight. his showing dismalat 0.6%. it is time to get you in the know. we could be talking about the iowa caucuses all night. judi kurtz is walking us through the controversy. now there seems to be the problem of his use of a certain song during the veterans event that coincided with


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